310-990-4493 info@DECON-1.com

Accident & Blood Clean Up

DECON 1 is contracted by California Counties to clean up freeway accidents, sidewalks, driveways, and roadways that has been contaminated by blood due to accidents.   Blood is a biohazard waste because it contains pathogens that can cause health hazards and disease.  Blood and bodily fluid must be cleaned up at a microscopic level to prevent cross contamination and ensure proper safety for the public.

Our goal is to remove all hazardous waste and restore the safety back to the public.


Our Biohazard Specialist will wash, disinfect, decontaminate and vacuum all affected blood spills. DECON 1 adheres to all OSHA, CDC, EPA, State Department of Health, and State laws.  All of our Biohazard Specialist are fully trained, licensed and certified.